+50 products developed 5 continents +10 years of experience

Who we are

IED is the main Company behind the brand Sunner in the solar market IED was born in 1993 as a company which provides solutions to the industrial sector, offering them innovation capabilities through electronic equipment. Starting as a wind sensor supplier, in Sunner we design and manufacture equipment that enables us to follow the sun to maximize energy generation.

Sunner has an R&D department with more than 25 engineers who unite knowledge related to different technologies such as Blockchain, artificial vision, edge computing, advanced software etc.. all of them are possible through electronic technology. The R&D department is the pillar to advance with you towards your challenges increase your competitiveness through innovations and continuous improvement.

Electronicity is our mantra. Through it we transfer new and constant technological advances in products for certain applications through electronic equipment. Electronicity enables our vision of maximizing the value provided to our clients through deep specialization in their applications. It is based on our philosophy that technological advances enable sustainable competitive development and improvements. Thanks to the application of Electronicity we maximize the generation of energy from photovoltaic plants through the manufacture of electronic systems, for the control of single-row and dual-row solar trackers. And we do it, of course, worldwide.

We are LCoE lovers

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Electronicity logo
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Obssesed about:

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  • Suitable technology for each application
  • Proper partner manufacturer for each technology
  • Adequate electronic equipment to enable each technology
    • Avoid battery overload and deep discharge
    • Ensure right SoC and SoH
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  • Robust communication protocol
  • Modbus over Zigbee. Mesh network
  • Lora
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Together we generate more

  • Certification support
  • Continuous technology consultancy
  • 24/7 support. Product parametrization during the installation
  • Personal advising in manufacturing line
  • SW to ensure quick and easy configuration
  • SW integration with SCADA
  • Tester equipment to ensure traceability and support in the tracker manufacturing process including products and user interfaces.

IED is the main Company behind the brand Sunner in the solar market IED was born in 1993 as a company which provides solutions to the industrial sector, offering them innovation capabilities through electronic equipment. Starting as a wind sensor supplier, in Sunner we design and manufacture equipment that enables us to follow the sun to maximize energy generation.

Sunner has an R&D department with more than 25 engineers who unite knowledge related to different technologies such as Blockchain, artificial vision, edge computing, advanced software etc.. all of them are possible through electronic technology. The R&D department is the pillar to advance with you towards your challenges increase your competitiveness through innovations and continuous improvement.

Electronicity is our mantra. Through it we transfer new and constant technological advances in products for certain applications through electronic equipment. Electronicity enables our vision of maximizing the value provided to our clients through deep specialization in their applications. It is based on our philosophy that technological advances enable sustainable competitive development and improvements. Thanks to the application of Electronicity we maximize the generation of energy from photovoltaic plants through the manufacture of electronic systems, for the control of single-row and dual-row solar trackers. And we do it, of course, worldwide.

We are LCoE lovers